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Heya! Welcome to my website. This is where I just post whatever dumb shit I want to post. I figure personal websites have gone enough out of style that I can have one now and feel superior.

This site doesn't use crazy CMSes, frameworks, or goofy-ass JavaScript. This is a regular ol', written by hand, easy to parse, simple to make, W3C compliant, no hacks, no sparkly graphics, no "fresh designs", no high CPU utilization, no needless interactivity, quickly loadable, simply maintainable, works in all modern browsers website the way the gods, the founding fathers, Roland Deschain, the Galactic Republic, Flash Gordon, that old dude from Babylon 5 who resurrected John Sheridan from the dead, and the Fellowship of the Ring intended.

The main page categories are as follows:

Thoughts This is a blog of sorts where I just post whatever I want.

Creation This is a list of various things I made or am making.

Consumption This is a list of some of the hobbies and interests I indulge in.

Professional Not a resume, but a brief summary of my professional background and contributions.

About Me A short bio about me because why not?

Links Links to other accounts I hold or just other stuff I think you might want to take a look at.